Test Activities for education and eco renovation in ACTION

The NEB|LAB ECO²-SCHOOLS test activities are underway!

How are the pilot sites kicking off their renovation education journey?

The NEB|LAB ECO²-SCHOOLS chamber of quality has developed 4 packaged test activities that the NEB|LAB ECO²-SCHOOLS pilot sites are currently working with to develop learning-action co-design methods and Green Action Plans for eco-renovation and energy education.

These include community building, observing, communicating and using innovative solutions

Microville 112 and Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket (SSHL) are preparing 2 codesign workshops that will link and engage local communities beyond students with citizens collectives, the school board, skill-sponsors and supportive public-private institutions.


Ellinogermaniki Agogi is leading internal codesign sessions for student groups investigating the energy footprint of the Canteen. The students are connecting their work with other initiatives, finding opportunities for short term improvements such as daily use photovoltaic energy, food provision, procurement and preparation changes like using Mediterranean low temperature prepation methods, a school garden and other more locally sourced materials.

University College Cork is forming a decentralized task force within its core team for permanent communication and reportage linking existing initiatives (Enterprise building Pathfinder renovation, Eco-Campus green flag, Climate neutrality plan, biodiversity restoration, SDGS) with crowdsourced students learning-action, transmission.

The Ciência Viva Pavilhão do Conhecimento core team (science museum) in Lisbon is looking forward and codesigning a small demonstrator that will combine a green roof/façade with renewables and cork biosourced insulation.


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